How to Lose 15lbs in 90 Days

fat-loss fitness Mar 07, 2024

First, it’s important to note that there is a difference between FAT LOSS and WEIGHT LOSS! 💡

While weight loss involves a decrease in overall body weight, including fat, muscle, and water, fat loss specifically targets the reduction of body fat mass while preserving lean muscle mass.

For those aiming to drop weight specifically, here’s a game plan:

👉🏽 Protein Power Plays: Keep protein intake high, but consider adjusting your macro split temporarily to 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat to aid weight loss while maintaining muscle. Protein keeps you feeling full, supports muscle growth, and dropping processed carbs can alleviate bloating and digestive discomfort. Not sure how to figure out macros for your goals, CLICK HERE to apply to work together and we'll get your nutrition dialed in so we can make your goals become REALITY. 

👉🏽 Try Sprint Training: Sprinting blasts calories, amps up metabolism, and triggers a post-workout calorie burn. Add sprint intervals to your routine for faster weight loss and improved cardiovascular fitness!

👉🏽 HIIT It Hard: Embrace high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to ramp up your metabolism and burn more calories. Short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods are key for both fat & weight loss. Remember, it’s about increasing calorie burn to drop weight effectively! 🔥

Ready to crush your goals together? I have 2 coaching spots open! CLICK HERE to apply 💪

Here's what's possible when you just get started!  

xo Coach Elise


50% Complete

Two Step

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